Atlas STP door curtains

Atlas STP door curtains

The ATLAS STP thermal barrier system, supplied with hot water, are fitted with special diffusers that create a curtain of hot air. Installed above the door, they deliver a constant vertical flow of air, representing a barrier that, by thermodynamic effect, stops the infiltration of air from the outside, and mixes the residual cold currents. 
Available in three sizes, with one speed and 1, 2, 3 row coils. 
Electra- Electramatic electric unit heaters

Electra- Electramatic electric unit heaters

The ELECTRA 90 electric unit heaters with horizontal discharge are made in 7 sizes, with heat outputs from 6 to 36 kW. The electrical heat exchanger has two-stage sealed electrical resistance made of finned steel tubes, to allow part-load operation. The power supply is three phase, 400 V - 50 Hz. 
The ELECTRAMATIC electric unit heaters with horizontal discharge are made in 5 sizes, with heat outputs from 6 to 24 kW. The electrical heat exchanger has two-stage sealed electrical resistance made of finned steel tubes, to allow part-load operation. The power supply is three phase, 400 V - 50 Hz. These appliances come with an electrical control panel that includes the auxiliary circuits, operating and safety thermostat, and terminal block ready for connection to the line, to the remote control panel and to the room thermostat. 
No-Strat anti-air stratification

No-Strat anti-air stratification

The No-Strat , an anti-air-stratification appliance, recirculates the hot air downwards, hot air that in large spaces heated with warm air (for example, using hot air generators) tends to stratify towards the top. The temperature controller fitted on the appliance can be used to set the air temperature at which the No-Strat starts operation. In addition, it can be used to increase the recirculation air rate in the volume and improve the uniformity of the ambient temperature.
The series includes 8 models, with flow-rates from 3,500 to 14,000 m3/h
FSE electric fan convectors

FSE electric fan convectors

The FSE electric fan convectorss are made in 5 sizes, with heat outputs from 3 to 8.5 kW. The electric heat exchanger has two-stage sealed electrical resistance made of finned steel tubes to allow part-load operation. The power supply is three phase, 400 V - 50 Hz. The first two sizes (up to 4.5 kW) can also be supplied in the single-phase version. As standard they are fitted with two speed control, room thermostat and button for electric heater part-load operation.
Meltemi door curtains

Meltemi door curtains

The range of MELTEMI SABIANA air curtains offers maximum flexibility in the protection of doors and open access compartments. Available in fan only versions, with water coils and electric heaters, Meltemi air curtains are offered in 3 different versions, according to the installation high: from 2,5m to 4,5m, also recessed, and with lengths of 1, 1,5 and 2 m. Possible applications include civil, commercial and industrial environments.

Their versatility means that the individual units can be joined to form a single air curtain of the desired length to protect wide openings. Each unit can be operated by remote control or by supervision systems using a Modbus communication protocol. The peculiar air intake grille allows to retain the coarse dust acting as a filter that can be easily cleaned by vacuum cleaner or anti-static cloth.
Energy Genius

Energy Genius

Le nuove pompe calore reversibili Energy Genius Sabiana, progettate per applicazioni residenziali e commerciali,

sono unit. aria-acqua idonee per il condizionamento, raffrescamento e la produzione di acqua calda


Le unit. integrano le pi. recenti innovazioni tecnologiche: compressori DC inverter, ventilatori a velocit. variabile

con basso livello acustico e regolazione con microprocessore.

Per garantire una maggior flessibilit. e semplicit. di installazione, le unit. Energy Genius sono equipaggiate

di un modulo idronico integrato. Ci. limita il numero di operazioni da effettuare durante l’installazione, che si

riducono al collegamento dell’alimentazione elettrica e al collegamento di mandata e ripresa dell’acqua.

Le unit. sono caratterizzate da un’ottima efficienza energetica e possono essere utilizzate in abbinamento alla

vasta gamma di terminali idronici Sabiana.

Radiant Systems

Radiant Systems


Energy DS

Energy DS

The new Energy DS high-performance heat pump is the ideal heat generator for Duck Strip radiant panel heaters.

The units are built to meet the industrial market for radiant panel systems with the supply of hot water at high temperatures through heat pump technology that achieves high heating performance while complying with current regulations on renewable energy sources.

Energy DS heat pumps are characterized by high levels of efficiency, low noise, high reliability, and extensive management options.

The combination of heat pump - radiant heating panels makes it possible to provide a heating system of high comfort in compliance with the requirements of energy-saving and environmental impact.




Design Radiators