Active Sanitization: Official Opinion of AIISA

Our thirty years experience on your service.

AIISA, the association of hygienists of aeraulic systems, highlights how some systems of "active sanitation" of plants and air are actually found to be commercial and that they have many negative aspects that must be taken into consideration. As already anticipated by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, these systems should be tested in real conditions of use and not in laboratory hoods to demonstrate their effectiveness and, to date, we do not know how harmful are these oxidizing agents they produce, therefore the ISS indicates its use, combined with appropriate filtration systems, only in the professional sphere and in NON-occupied environments (Covid-19 Report No. 12 of May 2021 on Sanitation).

Sabiana has always offered systems to improve air quality and reduce the risk of contagion from airborne pathogens based on highly efficient filters and maximum environmental sustainability, with very low management and energy costs. The Crystall Sabiana electronic filters are today one of the most valid and sustainable solutions to drastically improve the health conditions of the air we breathe in our living environments.

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