Sabiana, which has always been active in the field of air quality (IAQ Indoor Air Quality) and has been designing and manufacturing high efficiency electronic filters for almost 30 years and installed on its fan coils and on many other products which offer, has decided, in this context, to create an air purifier equipped with a certified and patented Crystall 50 electronic filter.
The SkySafe air purifier is applicable in all contexts where is not possible to make an intervention on the existing plant, in order to improve the quality of the air in the environment and to reduce pathogenic substances.
Crystall Round is a product intended to be installed in a controlled mechanical ventilation system in a residential environment (VMC). It is available in 3 sizes capable of covering every dimensional and flow rate class of residential VMC systems.
Crystall Round is equipped with an electrostatic filter capable of cleaning the fresh air up to the efficiency levels of the ISO ePM1 90% mechanical filters and to levels close to semi-absolute filters. In this way the users of residential environments will be able to have fresh and clean air during the entire period of operation of the VMC system.
The electrostatic filters allow high air cleaning without significantly increasing the pressure drops of the air distribution pipes and low energy consumption. Furthermore, they can be conveniently washed and reused.